Under the Punjab Chief Minister’s Agriculture Transformation Programme, over 1,200 CM Kisan Cards have been distributed across Attock district. This initiative is part of a broader scheme to revolutionize agriculture in Punjab, aimed at enhancing productivity and providing substantial benefits to local farmers.
On Saturday 7 SEP 2024, Attock’s agriculture office hosted a significant event to mark the distribution of Kisan Cards. Attended by numerous farmers, agricultural officials, and local dignitaries, the ceremony underscored the program’s importance in modernizing agriculture.
Distribution Kisan Card Numbers in Attock District 2024
- Attock: 1,423 Kisan Cards
- Hazro: 906 Kisan Cards
- Hassanabdal: 1,041 Kisan Cards
- Fatehjang: 3,985 Kisan Cards
- Pindigheb: 2,107 Kisan Cards
- Jand: 2,635 Kisan Cards
In total, 27,122 Punjab Kisan Cards will be distributed in Attock district.
Program Vision: Deputy Commissioner Rao Atif Raza highlighted the transformative impact of the Kisan Card programme. Key benefits include:
- Reducing Production Costs: Farmers will receive subsidies on fertilizers, pesticides, and high-quality seeds.
- Enhancing Accessibility: The programme aims to make modern agricultural practices more accessible and profitable.
Benefits of the Kisan Card
- Subsidized Agricultural Inputs: Reduced costs for essential items like fertilizers and pesticides.
- Access to Modern Technology: Eligibility for solar tube-wells, tractors, and low-interest loans.
- Financial Support: Includes low-interest loans and crop insurance.
Director Agriculture’s Update: Dr. Mohammad Javaid emphasized that all Kisan Card distribution centers are equipped with necessary facilities. The registration process is ongoing, ensuring that farmers can fully benefit from the program.
Kisan Card Distribution in Hafizabad
In Hafizabad, the distribution of Kisan Cards was inaugurated with the first card presented to Rana Khalid Mehmood. Deputy Commissioner Abdul Razzaq noted that the programme aims to:
- Increase Yields: Provide subsidized inputs to boost per-acre yields.
- Improve Conditions: Ensure fair distribution and support for all eligible farmers.
Hafizabad KisanCard Eligibility Details:
- Interest-Free Loans: Up to PKR 150,000 for farmers with up to five acres of land.
- Subsidies: Available for seeds, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs.
Director of Agriculture’s Insights: Dr. Javaid reiterated the importance of the Kisan Card programme in providing essential support and enhancing agricultural productivity in both Attock and Hafizabad.
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For farmers interested in benefiting from the Punjab Chief Minister’s Kisan Card, understanding the application process is crucial. Our comprehensive guide on How to Apply for a Kisan Card provides detailed instructions and important information to help you navigate the registration process efficiently.
By following this guide, you can ensure that your application is complete and submitted correctly, enabling you to take full advantage of the subsidies and financial support available through the Kisan Card program. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your agricultural practices and improve your farming productivity.